Welcome to the Ashland Independent Schools. We are thrilled that you have chosen our district as the educational home for your child.
Attention Existing Ashland Families:
If you are a family that already has children in the district you can complete the registration process through the Parent Portal link. Log into your account and select MORE then ONLINE REGISTRATION. If you need a parent portal account please call the school your children currently attend and the staff will assist you.
Attention New Ashland Families:
If you are a new family to the school district you will need to register your child through the New Enrollment link. If you experience problems please call the school you wish to attend and the staff will assist you.
If you do not live in the school zone of the elementary school you have selected to attend you must fill out a Change of School Request Form. If you live outside of the Ashland Independent School district you must fill out a Non-Resident Application.
Remember, the following information is required for enrollment for all students and should be brought with you to the school at the time of registration.
- Birth Certificate (KY Application, OH Application, WV Application)
- Kentucky Immunization Form
- Kentucky Vision Exam Form
- Kentucky Dental Screening
- Kentucky Physical
- Proof of Residency (utility bill, lease or deed)
- Social Security Card
Application for the Ashland Exceptional Early Childhood Center can be found here: