ELEMENTARY: Proficient Reading: 32% | Distinguished Reading: 18% | Proficient Math: 33% | Distinguished Math: 10%
MIDDLE SCHOOL:Proficient Reading: 32% | Distinguished Reading: 12% | Proficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 7%
HIGH SCHOOL: Proficient Reading: 35% | Distinguished Reading: 20% | Proficient Math: 28% | Distinguished Math: 13%
News & Announcements
Welcome to the Ashland Independent Schools!
Ashland Police Department Press Release:
Ashland, KY — September 13, 2024 — The Ashland Police Department (APD) has made two additional juvenile arrests in connection with two separate threats involving Ashland schools. These arrests are a direct result of a focused investigation by the APD School Resource Officers, Patrol Officers, and Cyber Crime Unit, which has been working closely with the Ashland Independent School District's IT department and major platforms such as Snapchat, Google, and Facebook.
We want to be very clear: online threat, whether made in jest or in anger, are taken seriously. They disrupt our schools, frighten our community, and put students, staff, and parents on edge. APD is committed to ensuring that those who make such threats are held accountable, no matter the platform used.
Ashland Family,
The following is from the Ashland Police Department as it relates to our schools:
APD has received a series of calls and messages concerning the threats to local schools including Ashland schools. Officers and detectives have been following up on each call and coordinating with nearby law enforcement agencies. With our partnership with the Ashland School System, we have a School Resource Officer in each school. In addition, we have doubled the patrols in and around the schools as well while our officers and detectives continue to take calls and follow up on any leads. The Kentucky Fusion Center notified us yesterday of a known series of threats mentioning schools. Our area soon started to see posts on Snapchat and various other social media. Students and parents began notifying us, and our teams follow up on each call overnight.
To date, no credible threat has been found.